Pollen Or Yellow Algae In Your Pool? How To Identify And How To Get Rid Of Them

If You Find Pollen In Your Pool

During the pool season, you might sometimes find something yellow floating around in your fibreglass pool. This could either be pollen, or it could be yellow algae as well. No matter what it is, you’ll need to get rid of it before you can safely use your pool.

Let’s look at what happens when you find either pollen or yellow algae in your pool individually.

If You Find Pollen In Your Pool

Pollen is something that bees might find fun, but the same can’t be said for humans. Many people can end up sneezing in the presence of pollen, and some can even be allergic to it. If pollen starts falling into your fibreglass pool, it can quickly start to disperse through the water in your pool. But how do you know if it’s really pollen?

The Difference Between Pollen And Yellow Algae

It’s not uncommon for people to feel confused between pollen and yellow algae. There is a big difference, however. Yellow algae will tend to stick to the walls of the pool, as well as the floor. Pollen on the other hand simply floats on the surface. You can sometimes find pollen stuck to your skimmer as well, or the pool’s tile.

Anytime you find a yellow powder-like substance floating on top of the surface of the water, then you know that you’re dealing with pollen.

How Do You Get Rid Of Pollen From Your Pool?

The first thing you may think of doing is running your pool filter. However, this isn’t enough to get rid of all the pollen. However, it can keep pollen that’s already in the water, under control. You will also need to skim the water in your swimming pool perth on a daily basis, especially during the pollen season.

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When you skim the pool using a mesh net, then it can trap the smaller pollen particles in the water. You’ll also need to shock the water in your pool. This is because pollen can play host to microorganisms that are harmful. These microorganisms live off the pollen, as it starts to decay. This is why you should shock your pool to get rid of any bacteria that might be present in it.

Ideally, you should be opting for a chlorine shock. You’ll also need to carefully check your skimmer baskets, especially during the spring and summer months. You may need to empty your skimmer baskets multiple times every week, to ensure that it works properly. Ensure that you’ve had your skimmer basket checked for maintenance, before the onset of the pollen season.

Why Should You Get Rid Of Pollen From Your Pool?

Pollen can look harmless, but it’s quite dangerous. Pollen is essentially organic matter. When it enters your pool, the sanitiser in your pool will interact with it and be used up. This can lead to the growth of algae in your pool if you don’t consistently maintain the water chemistry. Pollen can also end up clogging the filters as well as the baskets. It’s always better to keep your fibreglass pool free of pollen.

If You Find Yellow Algae In Your Pool

What happens when you find your fibreglass pool looking cloudy and yellow? If you find that the yellow-coloured substance is sticking to the walls and floor of your pool, then you’re most likely dealing with yellow algae. Yellow algae may also have entered your pool filter, the part around the lights, as well as parts of the pool that are shaded.

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Yellow algae love the warm weather, so you’re likely to see them during the pool season. If you see yellow algae in your pool, then this means that you have a difficult cleanup job ahead of you.

The Causes Of Yellow Algae

These are the factors, that can lead to the growth of yellow algae:

1. If the climate in your area turns warm

2. Should there be high levels of nitrates or carbon dioxide in the water in your pool

3. Should the pool filter not be properly working

4. If you haven’t been maintaining or sanitizing your pool

5. When the pool chemicals are unbalanced

6. When the circulation of the pool has been overlooked

It’s most common for a lack of chlorine or improper filtration to lead to the growth of yellow algae. But what do you do when you see yellow algae in your pool?

How To Get Rid Of Yellow Algae From Your Pool

The first thing you’ll need to do is clean your pool. Even the pool toys and floats will need to be thoroughly disinfected. You should use a solution of chlorine and water to clean your pool, never bleach. Ensure that you disinfect all your swimwear as well.

Then, it’s time to balance the water in your pool. You’ll also need to clean your pool filter. Use a pool test kit to determine the pH level of the water in your pool. You may need to fill your pool using fresh water as well.

Then, all the debris in the pool will need to be thoroughly scrubbed. An automatic pool cleaner can do this job perfectly as well. The steps in your pool, the corners and the pool equipment will all need to be cleaned of algae. Once this is done, you should check the water chemistry of your pool again. You’ll meet to ensure that the pH levels are maintained between 7.4 and 7.6.

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You should also ensure the water in your pool is circulated, for at least twenty-four hours. You can consider doing additional cleanup as well, to be extra careful. However, when it comes to yellow algae, prevention is always better than cure.


Whether you find pollen or yellow algae in your pool, they’ll need to be cleaned. Using a pool that has pollen or yellow algae in it can pose a risk to your health. How you should get rid of pollen and yellow algae from your pool is slightly different. This guide details what you should do, in either situation.

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